Continuous development
• As a producer of high-quality metal products, we continually improve our performance; particularly with regard to innovation, quality, safety, costs, occupational safety and health protection, environmental protection and energy efficiency.
• Profit-oriented product development and the constant optimization of the product range secure our market position.
• Our lean and powerful organization is continuously developed and improved and we are guided by the expectations of our stakeholders:
Public, owners, customers, employees, suppliers
• We guarantee our customers top quality of our products using the available resources economically. We fulfill customer requests, inquiries and orders on time, cooperatively and competently.
• We see our suppliers as partners based on mutual appreciation and trust. Clear and sufficiently detailed agreements when concluding the contract ensure optimal order processing.
Occupational safety and health protection:
• Employee protection has a high priority in terms of responsibility for our employees. Through a precautionary safety policy, we reduce the potential risk to the health of our employees.
Environment and energy
• The responsible use of raw materials and energy is a central concern for us. Environmentally harmful effects of production processes and products are identified and appropriate measures are taken to reduce or avoid them.
• Energy saving opportunities are systematically identified and implemented and improve our energy-related performance.
• We take into account the impact on overall energy efficiency and the environment with every purchase.
Dealing with risks
• Standard in Gold LTD is exposed to a variety of risks as part of its business activities, which are evaluated, assessed and managed with appropriate measures through an active risk management system.
• Efficient and forward-looking risk management is seen by Standard in Gold LTD as part of the corporate strategy to sustainably increase business success.
• The systematic and controlled handling of risks creates the basis for risk-conscious and opportunity-oriented decisions to achieve corporate goals through transparency.
• The aim of risk management at Standard in Gold LTD is to create scope for action that allows conscious risk-taking based on comprehensive knowledge of the risks and the risk relationships.
• Responsible and lawful behavior is a basic requirement for the success of Standard in Gold LTD. In case of doubt, legal action always takes precedence, even if a manager gives contrary instructions.
Competition/antitrust law:
• Standard in Gold LTD is committed to the principles of market economy and fair competition. Employees of Standard in Gold LTD therefore do not make any market-relevant agreements with competitors, in particular regarding prices, offers, terms and conditions, sales quotas or market shares, with the aim of influencing the competitive behavior of the relevant competitors if this leads to a restriction of competition. The mere appearance of a violation must be avoided.
Fighting corruption:
• The commitment to the legal system as well as to fair competition is linked to the rejection of any kind of corruption. It is important that any appearance of improper influence on Standard in Gold LTD employees in the performance of their duties through gifts, invitations or other benefits is avoided. Details are regulated in OA-021 “Gifts and invitations policy”. If you are unclear or have any questions, please contact the Compliance Officer.
Data protection:
• Standard in Gold LTD is committed to protecting the privacy of citizens. Personal data is only collected, processed or used if this is legally permitted or if the person concerned agrees to this. In addition, personal data must be kept secure and may only be transferred using necessary precautions. In addition, every employee is obliged to protect the confidential information of Standard in Gold LTD and others that come to their knowledge in the company environment.
Money laundering:
• Money laundering refers to the process of concealing the origin of financial resources, particularly from illegal activities, by smuggling these funds into the legal financial and economic cycle. The employees of Standard in Gold LTD are obliged to strictly comply with anti-money laundering laws. You must report suspicious behavior from customers and business partners to your superiors. In addition, all employees are required to comply with applicable recordkeeping and accounting regulations for cash and other transactions and contracts.
Employee protection, environment and energy:
• Standard in Gold LTD is committed to compliance with applicable laws, regulations and notices as well as to the ongoing improvement of the associated management systems.
Conflicts of interest:
• Employees of Standard in Gold LTD must avoid situations that lead to personal conflicts with the goals, principles and interests of Standard in Gold LTD. If there is a possibility of a conflict of interest, the relevant manager must be informed. Details on conflicts of interest are regulated in OA-026 “Conflicts of Interest Policy”. If anything is unclear or you have any questions, the Compliance Officer is available.