STAND is a classic crypto coin with all the advantages that only blockchain technology can offer. Increasing in value with each purchase, based on the financial mathematical equation x*y=k, STAND has the potential to perform at a high level of appreciation - just as good cryptocurrencies have done in the past. Added to this is the fact that STAND is independent of fiat money such as €UR, US$, GBP etc. due to its 100% gold backing.
The STAND is the main coin on the GOLD SMART CHAIN. It is used to pay the GAS fees. These fees cover transaction costs, which also include the costs of validators, and other company costs. The GAS fees amount to a low two-digit cent amount. This makes money transfer on the GOLD SMART CHAIN one of the cheapest ways, if not the cheapest way, to send money.
STAND therefore not only offers protection against inflation, but can also be a lucrative investment. This is especially important during times of hyperinflation, which is likely to turn into stagflation very soon!
To see the STAND on MetaMask, it is necessary to add the GOLD SMART CHAIN. To do this, go to MetaMask and click on “Add network”. Now click on “Add a network manually” at the bottom. Fill in the fields as follows:
Network name: Gold Smart Chain Mainnet
RPC URL: rpc-mainnet.goldsmartchain.com
Chain ID: 6789
Symbol: STAND
Block Explorer URL: explorer.goldsmartchain.com